2020 is over.
In SB Tape, we always count our blessings in good and bad times.
This year in 2020, we were struck by the worldwide pandemic. Almost everywhere economy was badly hit after the virus started spreading. Then we found ourselves practicing new normal.
We figured the market was bad, that there was an inside joke with one of my customers during the heavy pandemic times saying, “I would only buy masks and gloves rather than tapes now”.
We thought “This Is It – If the market is low season now, we are going to prepare ourselves so we will be READY when the time comes”. As most staffs are required to work from home, we started putting more effort to communicate, surely we could not meet our customers now, but we did build stronger bonds & closer ties with our customers.
So, we owe it to our customers with a big THANK YOU! after breaking “The Highest Sales Volume in 43 years”!
Wishing all our customers and associates a blessed Happy New Year! See you in 2021!

Kian Law
Deputy General Manager, Sales & Marketing